Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Family Communication free essay sample

Final Paper Introduction In today’s society many families communication has become a burning issue. Families spend most of their time in communicating, for the execution of routine activities everyone needs assistance and support from others. Then communication process starts, no one can communicate alone. There‘s always a sender and one or more receivers. Communication is a source of delivering messages from one to another. Through communication people share their ideas, feelings, thoughts and emotions. Communication plays a vital role in the working in families.Family Systems theory attempts to explain a way of explaining family interactions. It’s also a way of analyzing the way families communicates with one another. Family systems have many different systems properties. These properties include wholeness, Interdependence, Non- Summaitry, Openness/closeness, homeostasis, morphogenesis and Equifinality. Social Construction Theory is a theoretical perspective that centers upon the importance of meanings from human behavior. (Turner West, 2006 pg. We will write a custom essay sample on Family Communication or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 26). This theory contributes a focus on the meaning-making function of communication that is lacking in the systems explanation.Relational Dialectics Theory refers to the book titled A Handbook of Personal Relationships, edited by Steve Duck. The title A Dialectical Perspective on Communication Strategies in Relationship Development, written by Lesile Baxter, presents the basic strategies for an ideal relationship. The theories in which Baxter discusses describe the communication actions that a couple must use to establish, maintain, and dissolve their personal relationships. In this paper it will explain the different perspectives on family communication. Relationship:Family Systems attempt to explain a way of explaining family interactions. It’s also a way of analyzing the way families communicates with one another. Family systems have many different systems properties. These properties include wholeness, Interdependence, Non- Summaitry, Openness/closeness, homeostasis, morphogenesis and Equifinality. Out of the six properties I will only discuss wholeness and interdependence. These are the ones fit my family well. In this paper I will discuss the different systems and boundaries that relate to my family. Next I will discuss suprasystems and â€Å"Who’s in† and â€Å"Who’s out† approach. First, wholeness is defined as when a family is not simply of its members added together. It also can be referred as to the idea that a system cannot be fully comphrended by a study of its individual’s parts in isolation from one another. When I talk about the wholeness system within my family many other families think we are a very close family, but I reality we are very distant with each other. For example, when others see my family in public the will consider us as being family- oriented, caring and supportive of each other. In reality we are very distant; everyone in my family is not supportive of anyone’s goals or achievements.Each person in my family has their own personalities on life and how they want others to perceive them in public. Most of my family members love to be around people who are negative instead of positive. For as myself, I would personally say that I always hung around positive people. I have to keep my reputation, being in college has helped me to understand the value of your own reputation. Interdependence is defined as systems thinking holding that the behaviors of systems members’ co-construct the system and all members are affected by shifts and changes. The interdependence system is where my family is the strongest.For example, in 2010 while I was working at Dollar General as assistant manager. A life threatening situation occurred; I thought February 07, 2010 was the last day of my life. I was held at gunpoint and was demanded to give the robber all the money out of the safe. After giving the robber all the money, he still had the gun point to my head. I’m so blessed to be living today. Leaving work on this particular day. I called my family; I told them what had happen to me. There whole attitudes and behaviors shifted quickly. I felt like this is the type of family; I need every day in my life.Not when something tragic happens. I need their support as well as they need my support. This is where the interdependence system plays a major part with my family. They are very concerned when someone in my family has been through a tragic situation or even when someone gets a promotion on their job, they are happy. Secondly, I will discuss who’s in and who out approach of boundaries of my family. Boundaries are defined as mark limits in the family. It can also be internal or external. An external boundary decides family membership, delineating who is a part of the family and who is not part of he family. An internal boundary is defined as the way family members communicate within their families. The family members, I would consider who’s out of our family would be my brother and uncle. They both have a drug addiction, although some of my family does not agree with their addition. There is a boundary ambiguity with respect of the two membership of the family. I still believe we they are a part of my family. No matter what condition they are in, as a family we should be able to help them seek help to an AAA program. Internal boundaries are dominant in my family rather than external. My family likes to keep secrets. We keep a closed circle when it comes down to family business. Everyone else in my family is considering as being â€Å"who’s in†. Lastly, I will discuss the suprasystems. Suprasystems are under the hierarchy systems. For as my family we are under the personal subsystem which refers to the fact that each individual represent his or her own separate system. Each person in my family is his or her own separate person, but also separate and interdependent as a whole. It is not possible to control everything that goes in and out of your family.My mother and aunts will not follow the preamble boundary; they are the type of family members who will tell every secret they hear. Not only will they tell other family members but it has come down to a point where they will tell people who are not a part of our family. I find it be amusing because they do not like other people in their business. On the other hand, many of my family members will abide by the impermeable boundary, simply because we know how to keep things in our family that we do not want to be told. The information that is not shared outside my family is if someone goes to prison or if a person has an illness.In conclusion, there are many families who do not coincide with different boundaries or even by following the systems theory. I found this paper to interesting to learn about the different people who I consider as my family. We all have different personalities, goals and each of us has a different view on life. Family Meaning Social Construction Theory is a theoretical perspective that centers upon the importance of meanings from human behavior. (Turner West, 2006 pg. 26). This theory contributes a focus on the meaning-making function of communication that is lacking in the systems explanation.

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